As a family-run company with over 50 years' market competency, bela-pharm GmbH & Co. KG is one of the most important providers of veterinary pharmaceuticals in this country and abroad. In addition to sales, research, certification and production form the focus of activities at the Vechta location. With our headquarters in the Oldenburger Münsterland, we are part of the largest livestock area in Europe - which provides us with the best prerequisites for the development of innovative products.
Specialist Divisions/Departments:
- Administration with Purchasing, Controlling, IT, HR and Accounting
- Sales/Marketing with the German veterinary business, Export, Contract Manufacturing and Logistics
- Production with liquids, galenics, solids, technology and validation/qualification
- Certification of veterinary medicines
- Quality Control
- Quality Assurance
Business areas:
- Development and certification of innovative speciality pharmaceutical products
- Sale and additional purchase of commercial products
- Adoption and issuing of distribution rights
For the responsible task of manufacturing veterinary medicines, our products are produced in accordance with strict pharmaceutical regulations (German Medicines Act, GMP Directives etc.) Due to the continuous development and modernisation of the production technology, we can guarantee continuous and reliable product quality.
- Initial examination of raw materials
- In-process inspections
- Final inspection of finished products
bela-pharm trades and acts in accordance with the five pillars Humans, Animals, Pharmaceutical safety, Success and Advancement:
Humans form the focus of all our actions, considerations and decisions. The aim is to achieve consistently open, honest and fair collaborations with employees, customers and suppliers.
Animals as living creatures enjoy our full attention. "Producing Health" is regarded as a holistic mission within our company.
Pharmaceutical safety
Our dealings with speciality veterinary pharmaceutical products and their manufacture are particularly responsible tasks. In order to fulfil these responsibilities, we strive to continuously develop and improve our products. Compatibility, user-friendliness and environmental factors constitute our daily objectives.
Advancement is reflected in many aspects of a company. Here bela-pharm pursues technical advancement in the form of modern production systems and techniques, the qualification of our employees through training courses and further training as well as the development of innovative speciality pharmaceutical products.
The success of a company is extremely closely linked with its partners in daily life. Only if our employees, customers and suppliers are successful in their daily business can we feel satisfied. Therefore, our attention is focussed daily on successful collaboration with our partners.